- Engineer
Bexultan Rakhim
I am from Kazakhstan, I graduated from Nazarbayev University in 2018 with a degree in Robotics and Mechatronics. During that time I started working as a part time research assistant at Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory where I worked as a full time researcher two years after graduation. I did research in data driven control theory and published several papers on this topic. In November of 2020 I joined ZMP, a startup company that does mobility automation as a service. I worked as a perception engineer at ZMP, where I helped to develop several features related to camera-lidar calibration, deep learning based object detection and semantic segmentation as well as building an infrastructure for machine learning models. I joined DeepX at October of 2023 and working as a perception engineer.
Every year the computational power is getting cheaper and types of problems computers can solve are growing. And developing tools that can solve complex problems are becoming easily available. If we can automate mundane and boring problems, there is more time to enjoy interesting tasks. I enjoy being part of this motion. Good software makes life better for everyone. That is why, I belive it is important to remember that we write software for people, not for machines. Because its easy to forget that when working with machiens all day long.
- I am primarily interested in elevating complex problems of any kind, not constrained to perception. This may be related to designing algorithms that can solve complex computer vision problems, as well as control theory and state estimation related. I enjoy statistical methods and for that reason gravitate towards machine learning.
Digital Painting, Street Photography, and Running.
I enjoy reading books and materials related to Cognitive Sciences. Especially Philosophy of Mind. I will not miss opportunity to talk about these topics.